Pro-actively focused on our clients to reduce and contain medical cost through exceptional management solutions.
With decades of experience dealing with workers compensation claims, the team at Merus Case Management is proactively focused on working with our clients in order to provide a tailored plan to each individual case in order to keep costs down and ultimately have the patient back at work.
We achieve this by working together with the claims examiner, employer, physician, and injured worker on order to facilitate medical necessary treatment in a time efficient manner all while minimizing cost and expediting the closure of claim.
Our Goal is to Create a Cohesive Relationship Between the Employer, Claims Examiner, and Injured Worker to Maximize Cost Containment and Facilitate Return to Work in the Most Time Efficient Manner by Providing Tangible and Measurable Results.
19069 Van Buren Blvd.
#114 -321
Riverside CA 92508
(951) 515-9533
Case Management Services
We Hire the Best
Out team members our experts at obtaining resources. Our case managers work with injured workers, families and other professionals to obtain an optimal outcome. Case management nurses promote quality care which encourages appropriate use of available resources knowledge and connections to the best treating facilities in all of California. We know that there are many options for our clients and we work tirelessly to not only meet expectations but exceed our clients goals.
When a Merus Nurse Case Manager is assigned to an Injured Workers file, the Following Benefits can Occur:
Identifiable and increased drive and confidence improvements are seen in the injured worker.
Faster, more consistent reporting time for each office visit, with an Email update immediately following office visit including copy of PR2/RTW note.
Time and Effectiveness costs are decreased.
The overall workers compensation program is better administered to continue cost containment and best resolution outcome for each client and injured worker.
Proven Tangible and Measurable Results
Reduced Temporary Total Disability benefit Costs.
Decreased days that the Injured Worker Spends Away from Work.
Greater Satisfaction Experienced by the Injured Worker which promotes improvements in Workplace Morale.
Reduced Litigation